Kick-off meeting – ‘Digital Twin for Open RAN towards 6G’ project

On 29th November 2022, the LDTRC has kicked off its EPSRC project with other two industrial partners Rakuten Symphony and HCL. The project members (below) discussed the ideas to run the project and planned the next activities. OpenRAN is an important research area to diversify the telecommunication markets and this is a common interest of all three partners. The consortium is also looking forward to working with other UKI-FNI partners in this area, exploring the collaboration possibility of testbed solutions for for 5G and Beyond.

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Publications news: A comprehensive survey of Digital Twin technology

The Centre has recently published a comprehensive paper on the Digital Twin technology on the popular IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This 37-page paper reviews the latest developments of DT technology, discusses the enabling technologies, the challenges, the technology trends and outlines the future developments. The paper also presents the specific use cases investigated in several projects conducted at the Centre: i) Anomaly detection for tea bag production line in India, ii) the Festo Cyber-Physical Factory at Hendon, London and iii) the structural health monitoring of Vietnam bridges. The projects were funded by the U.K.–India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), the British Council’s Institutional Links through the Newton Programme Vietnam, the British Council Indonesia’s Going Global Partnerships Programme (2022–2024), and the VinGroup Innovation Fund (VinIF).

And further funding news (EPSRC grant)

There is another good news on funding front in this week from the London Digital Twin Research Centre. Prof Huan Nguyen (PI) and Dr Quoc-Tuan Vien (Co-I) have secured an EPSRC grant as part of the EPSRC UK-India Future Networks Initiative (UKI-FNI) led by Professor Gerard Parr from the University of East Anglia. Partners include Rakuten (UK) and HCL (India and Vietnam). This project aims to investigate the possibility of digital twin technology in supporting the deployment and operation of OpenRAN in Beyond 5G and 6G towards a greener network. The investigation will be on the key components, design challenges and prospects of DT in the OpenRAN architecture as well as the impact of DT on a specific use case of energy efficiency.

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Successful funding news

The London Digital Twin Research Centre has teamed up with colleagues from Computer Science department to successfully secure two British Council grants worth ~£400,000 (for a second year in a row) to support Women in STEM 2023/24 through the scholarships for Masters study and postdoctoral fellowships. The project team includes Prof. Xiaohong Gao, Dr. Kelly Androutsopoulos, Dr. Serengul Smith, Prof. Franco Raimondi, and Prof Huan Nguyen.

There are 6 scholarships and 4 fellowships to be advertised to the prospective candidates in the East/South Asia region. Watch out for this space!

Update: The positions are now open for application. Please see details in here.

Practice of Enterprise Modelling 2022

The 15th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM) takes place in London, UK, on November 23 – 25. It is hosted by Middlesex University London and co-chaired by Prof Balbir Barn (LDTRC, Middlesex Uni) and Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl (University of Rostock, Germany). The conference aims to improve the understanding of the practice of Enterprise Modelling (EM) by offering a forum for sharing experiences and knowledge between the academic community and practitioners from industry and the public sector.

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Quick updates on DT activities

  • Prof. Balbir Barn is giving the following talk to the UK Government Dept of Levelling Up and Communities (the Chief Scientific Advisor’s Office) on the topic of “Sociotechnical Digital Twins for Complex Decision Making.” See the abstract below.
  • A tutorial on “Digital Twin as a Decision-Making Aid in the Face of Uncertainty” was delivered by Prof Barn and the team at the ACM / IEEE 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS’ 22)
  • Another tutorial on “A Model Based Approach to Simulation and Digital Twins” was delivered by the team at the ER 2022 conference.
  • Two papers on sociotechnical digital twin were accepted for 2022 IEEE 24th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) and ACM / IEEE 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS). See details below.
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