Welcome to our 2023 Annual Workshop at London Digital Twin Research Centre!

Digital Twin has been identified as a top ten Gartner Trend in 2019 and its position at the convergence of economic drivers and underpinning technology maturation supports its use in a wide variety of domains. While DT technology originates from the manufacturing domain it now represents great potential to reshape the future across other diverse domains. The London Digital Twin Research Centre (LDTRC) at Middlesex University, London would like to extend an invitation to all the Digital Twin researchers and enthusiasts from industry and academia to attend our annual 2023 workshop which is on our campus in Hendon on 24th May 2023. This workshop on “Transforming Industry and Society with Digital Twins” brings together experts from industry and academia to share their valuable insights regarding the adoption of the Digital Twin technology across different industries.
The workshop programme is as follows:
Register to attend the event via Eventbrite link.
The workshop will explore the use of DT technology in a variety of different domains from 5G/6G mobile wireless networks, smart agriculture, to health. The domains covered in this event provide opportunities and research challenges that the future maturation of digital twin technology demands. The LDTRC team will update latest outcomes on three ongoing projects on Digital Twin technologies for i) Open RAN in 5G/6G (EPSRC through UKI-FNI); ii) health care resilience (British Council Indonesia); and iii) smart agriculture (British Council Vietnam). The workshop will also have a line-up of excellent external speakers who will share their experience on digital twin and related areas of research/projects.
The workshop will represent an excellent opportunity for networking for Digital Twin enthusiasts to share ideas for future developments in digital twins.