by Stefan Viorel Mihai, Research Assistant, LDTRC
Digital Twins embody the driving force behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution, that is the promise of bridging the physical world and its virtual counterpart in a way that enables full-duplex, real-time, reliable communication between the two entities. With the advent of Big Data, IIoT, Cyber Physical Factories, and Artificial Intelligence, this no longer looks like a far-fetched idea, becoming instead an increasingly relevant objective for researchers to achieve. However, building such a complex system requires a strong grasp of the technologies involved and good foresight into risks and issues that might pose a challenge along the way. In this context, this week’s meeting of the London Digital Twin Research Centre focused on discussing one of the most prominent challenges in Machine Learning: the Bias/Variance Trade-Off. Continue reading “Insight of the Week: Supervised Machine Learning and the Bias/Variance Trade-Off”