From 17th to 22nd August 2022, as part of the project activities, Prof. Huan Nguyen paid a visit to partner Universitas Gadjah Mada to work with the project team (Dr. Lutfan Lazuardi, Dr. Gunadi, Dr. Dini Prasetia Wati, Hanifah Wulandari, Fitratun Auliyah, Gabi Ceria) from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing. The two project leads from Indonesia (Dr Yodi Mahendradhata, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UGM) and the UK (Prof. Huan Nguyen), with the witness of the two Vice Deans, Dr. Ahmad Hamim and Dr. Lina Choridah, have signed an MoU on this occasion to open platform for further research and teaching collaborations between the two universities, particularly on the areas of digital technology for public health. Prof. Nguyen also paid a visit to other project partners, Mlati II Primary Healthcare Centre and the UGM Academic Hospital.
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