DT healthcare resilience project: Final activities

Project team members from UGM and LDTRC, Lutfan Lazuardi, Novi Zain Alfajri, Hanifah Wulandari, and Huan X Nguyen, paid visits to the Stroke Centre at Bach Mai Hospital (Hanoi) and Department of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases at VNU University of Medicine and Pharmacy (VNU-UMP). Dr Mai Duy Ton, Director of the Stroke Centre and Prof Le Ngoc Thanh, rector of the VNU-UMP, presented the hospital facilities and hold discussions on the common research topics for collaborations.

In addition, Prof Huan Nguyen and Dr Souvik Barat (TCS India) then presented the research outcomes from the project to the hybrid audience at VNU – International School in Hanoi, within the workshop “Digital Twin technology for Healthcare: Insights and Perspectives,” where leading researchers from VNU-IS, Dr. Lê Duy Tiến, Dr. Chu Đình Tới and Dr. Lê Đức Thịnh, hold productive discussions on various pressing healthcare issues and challenges in Vietnam with the project team.

Visiting BachMai Stroke Centre
Workshop audience
In discussion with VNU UMP team

Dr Souvik Barat was presenting the outcomes.
Prof. Nguyen discusses with the VNU-IS team
Photo session with the VNU-IS team
Visiting VNU University of Medicine and Pharmacy (with rector Prof Le Ngoc Thanh)