On 12th March 2024, the project team from Van Lang University (Vietnam), together with partners Middlesex University (UK) and Universitas Gajah Mada (Indonesia), organised the final workshop “Enhancing Resilience for Society with Digital Technologies: Case Studies of Urban Farming and Healthcare” in Campus 3 in Ho Chi Minh City. This event marks the conclusion of two ambitious Going Global Partnerships projects, funded by the British Council, that have fostered innovative collaborations between the United Kingdom, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Details of workshop programme: Programme

There were 80+ participants, including 10 media outlets and many other stakeholders attending the event. The project teams summarised the key outcomes and impacts from the project. Project 1 (Vietnam) focuses on urban resilience in agriculture through IoT based solutions in vertical farming while Project 2 (Indonesia) developed Digital Twin solution to support healthcare resilience in Indonesia.
News report by local HTV channel on the projects and workshop:
Some reports by written media (in local language): Nguoi do thi, congthongtindt, thuonghieu.
With workshop participants

Prof. Huan Nguyen summarises the impacts and outcomes